- Posted by Aslam Bazmi
- Categories Aslam Bazmi, Blog
- Date September 19, 2023
محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم
A soul of simple joys and tastes
He stood above his fellow mates
Born in a poor and orphaned state
To the rich he showed no envy or hate
Never in life he proudly walked
Nor he ever haughtily talked
A friend of the lowly and distressed
On fair dealings he greatly stressed
He cherished good deeds and noble works
Above homilies and pious words
Though untaught, he was a perfect scholar
A beacon of light for every caller
The wisest of all, he sought advice
He keenly listened to Companions’ voice
His followers live in every part of the globe
His teachings are the sole universal hope
–Aslam Bazmi

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